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Error messages
37 articles
There is no article with code x
You do not have the correct access rights to the Exact Online resource
Required: Payment term / Required: Payment condition
Required: Article Required: Unit
Required: Article Required: Unit
ExactOnlineAPI API error [Code: 500, Response: { "error": { "code": "", "message": { "lang": "", "value": "Niet toegestaan: Valuta" } } }]
Invalid VAT number. The number must be entered in the following format.
No Exact Online ledger account found with code x
Exact Online: Forbidden User division is not within division scope
Deferred revenue cannot be recorded. There are missing settings for deferred revenue.
The maximum length of the code is 18 characters.
Relation with number 12345678 is not of type customer.
For this invoice number, there already exists a sales booking.
Item shipping cost is not configured.